Mr. Wilson Made it Home!

Mr. Wilson Made it Home!
Mr. Wilson

The Beginning

Mr. Wilson Arrives in RI after a four day journey from Arkansas

 On a brisk April morning, a parking lot full of people waited expectantly for the dogs that they had adopted from various animal rescue organizations to arrive. We waited, together but separate, families, couples, single men and women bonded by the humanity that compelled us to adopt a homeless dog, Right on time a red tractor trailer appeared on the horizon with the words, “Alpha Dog Pet Transport” proudly emblazoned on the side.
      Then, the magic began. A collective happy to be alive moment that lasted well over an hour enveloped all of us, and our dogs were delivered, and we went our separate ways, each holding onto the precious memories of that moment and the part of our lives that had been missing. For the dogs, their four day trip from “down south” was over. For us, the journey had just begun.
      So begins our story. Mr. Wilson Makes it Home is a 55,000 word narrative non-fiction book describing the weeks that follow this inspirational rendezvous at exit 89 off of Route 395 in Connecticut. The book talks about love, and loss, and hope. It has moments of hilarity and heartbreak, training tips for dogs and humans, compassion, giving, taking, eating, laughing, and appreciating the rare moments of grace that make our existence not simply worthwhile, but magnificent.
     Too often we bask in the negativity that surrounds us, and dwell on the things that didn’t happen, or should have. Unplanned, unexpected and unbelievable moments happen. Periodic glimpses of bliss grab us by the throat, shake us to the core, clear our sight and give us the clarity of mind and presence of body to stop everything, breathe deeply, open our arms, turn toward the sun, feel its warmth on our skin and bask in the glory that the moment has bestowed upon us. To feel it, and acknowledge it, and know that it is true, and accept the moment as a gift to be treasured is the most important thing a person can do. I will never forget the perfect moment that Mr. Wilson arrived, and my book captures that moment for me, and everybody who reads it.

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